Sometimes we come to places in our life where God literally HAS to come through for us. We have to lean on him for what we need because we dont have the strength to do anything at all and our past has taught us that there is nothing that we can do to make our situations better.
You may be feeling this and what you dont realize is God may already have been telling you to give it to him because he doesnt need you to do anything else.
You may have tried so hard to use wisdom and work things out for yourselves but there is nothing you can do.You cant ask God one more time to give you a word. You have no way because all you have ever known in this situation is the chaos that it brought.
I know that God wants to give you a story where his involvement turned this complicated situation into something worth living about.
I know that God is going to help you.
But even if he never does he is still good and right here right now learn how to dance in the rain.