Sometimes God brings along things that we dont even recognize are answered prayers but it comes with a process that refines you. Some will continue on this process no matter how difficult and they will receive their reward. Others will seek pleasure in things that they know inside their hearts ( that still small voice) isnt what God had for them.
And some God has spoken very clearly direction to and still because they believe that they can do what they want and are thinking with their flesh, they will go another way.
The process is where the blessing is at. It will refine you. It will bless you. Dont despise the process.
Im reminded of a scripture – Despise not small beginnings.
Dont despise the things that look like little seeds. Dont despise things when what you believe that he said dont look like it on the outside.
Instead lean into him and refuse to be like the people who think that they dont have to be spirit led.
Be bold in corageous in beleiving that you NEED God in EVERY area.
You arent going to have God in your single life. You are going to have God when your married. You are going to have God when you have kids. You are going to have God in every area of your life. There is not one place that you dont have a desire to be spirit led.
And when you mess up following your own voice, you get back up again and rededicate.
I have always have a problem with a lot of things I hear Christians say because it contradicted what God says in his word. Maybe someday I will write about it.
Its like we have how we should live down to a science. When God says I want you to follow me. Thats a voice for your individual life. No one can tell you how to follow me but me. It is by my spirit that I will cause you to understand things.
So make me your God FOR REAL and allow me to work out each area so that is it profitable.
If you have gotten out of line with what your heart is saying on the inside. Maybe you are saying when people do certain things then Ill be ready to do what I feel God is saying. There could be a million reasons. But today seek to be in alignment with what your heart is telling you.
Place God on the throne and allow him to take you through every difficult process that you need to go through to completely deliver, set free, and be on the road that he would want you to be on.