The spirit of God has the ability to lead in all areas of our lives if we allow him to do so. For some, it’s not that they don’t know that he is leading. For them its realizing how important it is to follow that voice and also having confidence to follow it in the first place.
I know some people of God that are anointed. They worship God and think they are okay. But there are decisions they make in their lives that arent congruent with what they feel on the inside.
I have seen them pray that God would bless them when the answer was already there. The answer just required them to change develop and grow. It was different than how they expected it to come.
Its true that we have the freedom of choice.
But let my choice be a choice that is congruent with the holy spirit inside of me. Dont let me accept the habits that many Christians have developed.
Allow God to come in and lead how he wants and when he wants.
Take the limits off God!