There are some people who are begging God to do something in their lives. They have begged God for so long but you know what they havent done?
Surrendered to the process that God has for them to get there.
They may have surrendered for a time and got some instruction from God but then they thought that it wasnt working out like they wanted so they stopped.
I was praying over someone who has wanted God to come through for them. They really are a worshipper and they do go to church. They are even highly anointed.
But as I was praying the Lord began to show me that this person was a Saul. God WANTED To give them literally the world. He was showing me that he was trying to put their life together in such a beautiful way but that person had stopped listening. That person was obeying God in some areas but in this area that God had wanted to bless them in they would not even make a move.
And yet they still pray while they dont listen.
God has every answer that we need in every single area of our lives. HE has the answer financially, with our children and in our love lives.
He knows every single thing and in him every part of our lives should reside.
So while we are on the pew worshipping, make sure that each and every area of your life is saying yes to the only one who deserves to be God.
And allow him to speak into whatever area he wishes to speak in. Dont put limits on God.