When your life is like mine it can be hard to really focus. Each time you get comfortable you realize this is not me. I don’t do things normally so I cant remain in a “normal” state for long.
I was never meant to own my own life. It was chosen for me. I was picked out and designed for what was given to me.
I wasn’t meant to choose my own career and my own opportunities. I was meant to make sure that I was first living in the “flow” of what was developed in me.
I will one day have more than what I could ever desire, a millionaire, wealth, and being able to give to the proportion that God designed.
I won’t be who I am today.
I’ll have children tacked on and a husband dedicated to the calling God gave a warrior woman.
I’ll be living in a place that I knew was coming when I was a young child.
I dreamed of this place before I got here.
But if I told you that the journey that I went through was ever easy, I would be lying.
A lot of the time it feels like a prophetic maze. It feels like a guessing game as I’m taken to different levels and I’m supposed to have the wisdom from the previous lion and bear in order to take care of now. And yet, this goliath looks nothing like the previous victories.
It leaves me wondering if is this the time that it will all crumble and I’ll be telling a story of one of my failures..bc I always tell those stories too with a little bit of a chuckle.
At this point I am believing God for something that involves my entire heart.
Its a piece of me that if I lost it would be losing something that is not common to find a replacement.
And still, I follow this prophetic maze of confusing symbols and meanings believing that the outcome that I desire is the one that I receive.
Believing that this won’t be another time that God requires me to say though he slay me yet will I trust him?