Our personality weaknesses really come out when our spiritual giftings are involved. For instance in you are living an unrepentant life and laying hands on people or you are in bondage in an area, instead of transferring God to people when you lay your hands on them you could be transferring the negativity you are dealing with. IF you deal with fear, youre going to be scared to death when God shows you something you dont know the details too. If you are someone that is crazy lol and has so much faith that you need no roadmap when God shows you something you will run headfirst into it without any planning whatsoever and get ahead of yourself.
With our weaknesses involved as well as the learning curves we may be going through as we are going through our “schooling” we may come upon sometimes where the prophetic pieces we are receiving are just too much for us. Sometimes we may be assured of what was said to us and yet, it is so far off base from what we are capable of receiving at the moment that we need a time of simply resting, waiting, developing more, and allowing God himself to do the work.
In our society no one wants to wait on the Lord. They want to know this is him or not and if he doesnt do it right now then Ill decide it isnt him. Etc.
But we may be in this prophetic confusion and what feels like a mess to you because we NEED to sit with him while he irons out some things in the natural and spiritual realm for us.
If we truly believe what God says then we know we are on his timelines for our wonderful and great blessings from him and we know that we can trust him and our time of waiting on him wont take from us, he will make sure we gain whatever is ours in the long run.
So dont get antsy. Believe that he has everything in place concerning you and wait on him until this time of confusion has passed.
I dont mean wait on him by getting so busy you forget about it. No wait on him by praying, worshipping him, giving him your fears and worries and allowing him into this prophetic confusion.
Sometimes we get so focused on a “yes” or “no” when what God wants to do is teach you a few things that will bless your life for this moment while you trust him with those black and white answers.
Just do what you know to do right now and keep doing it. What you dont know is okay. You are still safe in his hands.
And while you are waiting on him, youll get to know him that much better and youll gain instead of lose in this time of him “ironing out” the things concerning you.