Don’t wait to follow your purpose. Many people try to wait until more ducks are in a row. Women that don’t want to get started on what they feel they should be doing until their man comes into the picture. People that want to have a certain amount of money in the bank or a more secure lifestyle. They basically don’t want to have to trust.
The problem with not pursuing purpose is that we all have a limited time. Every day that goes by is a day that you didn’t spend doing what you were truly designed to do. I’m not saying you aren’t successful. I’m not saying you don’t have a great life, but there is something more out there for you.
The problem with waiting is purpose is what brings power into your life. It tends to build the life in a strong way so that it can withstand the obstacles of life. It has a way of fulfilling the soul and bringing you into alignment with the people that work for you to your core. That is people that are really yours and that will stick with you until the end.
Purpose = Power
If you want to receive the power to overcome in life, connect to purpose. Having a strong purpose in life gives you a reason. It gives you a reason that makes the bad things seem not so bad. It fills your day with something you are passionate about. You won’t have to fill the void of not feeling significant on people, places or things. Your void will be filled with what you have always felt you were made for.
A purpose in someone’s life will attract the things that they were going after anyways. Life gets complicated when we are going after external things instead of pursuing what is already on the inside of us. Our purpose has a way of unlocking doors to the future that will really make us happy. It will connect you to lifetime people, places, and things.