Sometimes I have wondered can God ever restore me. I have an area of my life that is sensitive. IT has been beat up pretty badly and I have had everything in the world come against it. It seems like I keep being reminded about Daniel and how God was his judge. God saved him from the lions den. He saved Shadrach Meshach and Abednego from the fire and if this is true than there is no pain within me that he can not restore and make new or at least make me so blessed that the pain was worth it. I get it.
So I keep opening up this painful place and saying God would you heal me. God would you restore me.
I know that many people seek things in this word to heal the pain. They hold things against others to try to control it.They get bitter. They keep unforgiveness in their heart to protect what they can not see. But I knew that only God could heal my pain. So when people backstab me I stay a little soft. Because I run back to him and I say father once again this pain is so deep can you help me. Father once again the feeling of being misused is there, will you help me. Little by little I realize that he is enough and I reach out my hands, the ones that should have been closed like a crab from all it has been through and I realize God is enough. If I can hold out my hands in the midst of this, I know that he is a great God