Lately I have been reflecting on how costly it is to be in a place of unsubmission to Christ.
There is someone God gave me a vision and a little word for a long time ago. When I told them the good news of what God was saying, they completely rejected it. It was not what they wanted. They did not want to give up what it would have required them to give up. They were too committed to what they wanted. I don’t blame them. Often we all are.
A couple weeks ago, I got up from praying and I almost sent this same person a note of what I believed the Lord may have been showing me. But then I remembered how they rejected the voice of God speaking through me before and I decided to wait. The word I received was a generous gift from God that he would still bless his child if they would listen to him.
To be honest, if God ever does get to a place where he is sending us warning through visions or people of God many times it is because we are not heeding his warnings over and over again.
It is human nature to ignore him.
God leads in every single area of our lives especially if we are in a mess. He usually doesnt make the mess. Usually people who have not dedicated that area to the Lord are in a mess. Fathers make a mess that their children have to work through. Children continue the wrongdoings.
But God can break the cycle.
God can bring the wholeness we seek but we are going to have to follow him into it.
And most importantly we are going to have to believe in him, in his ability to get us out.
When we place too much importance on what we want to do, it is us who ends up in a place of regret and shame.
So Im here to save you, listen to God each and every step of the way and he WILL come through for you.