Sometimes it takes so long for people to realize that God is God. They believe there are certain ways God has to operate and when he shows them something that is different, they run. Sometimes we run because we have made an idol out of men and women of God and when they disagree with what God has said, we hear them and ignore God.
Then after the delay we have learned our lesson, that God really is God! He really does belong on the throne.
Yes, men are great. Thank God for the good ones.
But no one has the authority and position of the only one who really matters.
Recently I talked with someone who knew the revealed will of God in their lives. God showed me a long time ago and yet at different intervals they keep talking themselves out of it. They have talked to more men and women of God and fretted and worried over it. But one thing they haven’t done is tried what God has told them.
For that reason, a delay is inevitable until the lesson is learned that it is his still small voice brings the healing that we need. IT is him who has just the right plans for us to prosper. But some travel through life never able to get it together because they never take a pause.
Take a pause and realize what God is speaking and stay there in that place until his voice has a chance to cause a harvest in our lives.