Take a moment to read this blog post. I also made a youtube video about it here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwVGmqkzV5I&t=28s
I believe that God showed me that I had a curse over my life and more specifically ministry and my love life.
The lord gave me a promise not too long ago that I would be married. I was pretty shocked bc he had previously kept telling me to focus on him an I thought for a moment I would be like Paul, my worst nightmare. 😀
After a while, I started asking God what was going on. I was having some weird things happening. God gave me a dream that showed me attacks in my life and God told me in this dream to bind the curse. It also showed that I was feeding the curse in this dream. I was shocked to see that my most current ex showed that he was sent straight from Satan to derail the plans of God for my life. I really didn’t think he was that bad but I do know that God knows the plans he has for our lives and only he knows the future. In this dream he was a distraction from ministry.
Now when I had the dream I was GREATLY and I mean GREATLY disturbed and I didn’t totally understand its meaning. But I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God was trying to get a message to me that I didn’t understand at all.
I decided to do some counseling sessions with Apostle Ivory Hopkins. He is a prophetic seer and he also knows how to interpret dreams which I was praying for.
After this sessions I understood more the meaning and then over time after I could handle it God started showing me more.
See there is one thing that makes it totally impossible for Satan to hang onto you in any way and that is a completely surrendered heart. The bible says that we should love him with our WHOLE heart. There were parts of me that were not right and I was feeding the enemies right to legally take over my life the way he had controlled the previous generations in my bloodline.
I personally believe that a great marriage for a Christian is a GOD Thing. And its something the enemy fights from happening in the first place for some people.
In this dream it showed two curses one on ministry and one on marriage. There were strongholds of sabotage lack limitation and delay over my life. The enemy was fighting hard to see that I never ever made it to my destiny but he wasn’t going to win because even when I was very young maybe 8 years old God had given me this same dream that I am talking about now but I didntnot realize how greatly I was used in dreams and what to do with it so I just left that warfare dream there until this point in my life. The point in my life that I would completely demolish the enemies attempts to hurt my life.
When I met with Apostle Hopkins, he told me that I bet you find yourself in the past with menwho took away your voice. And I didn not even recognize it. As stromg as a woman as I was its like the enemy would put me with men who were jezebels that took away my right to speak, discouraged me in my gifts and would not let me shine. They were like shackles on my feet. He used relationships to stop ministry from going forth in my life. Therefore if the curse was not bound I would never become all that I could have become in Gods perfect will. But as hard as the fight had been with the curse on my life now it was outright warfare as I decided that it would no longer be apart of my life anymore. You are done SATAN!
So maybe later, I will give you an update on this but for now ask yourself these questions.
Is it easy for you to connect with the wrong people but easy to connect with the best?
Are you a wonderful person with back luck?
Do the same things keep happening over and over again?
Do you have crazy stories that signify something is wrong?
Do you believe that there is warfare going on in your love life?