Some people have such an aversion to accepting help.
God sends them a woman who is perfectly aligned with the best God has for them and they reject them for something else and wonder why they never feel on the inside that they reached the fullness of what their life could be.
They reject those that are sent to be like sandpaper, teaching them how to be with less than perfect behavior. Instead of forgiving these people and shaking hands with them again, learning how to treat those that come with flaws but still meant to walk with them, they never talk to them again after a disagreement.
People that dont see with the glasses that God gives. They see another way.
Sometimes its uncomfortable to accept those that are meant to be good to you. They are meant to see things ahead and help you to win.
Instead it is easier for some to embrace those that will never be able to see with eyesight that only God could have given. Many embrace people that will be the reason why they have delays detours and why they never are able to get to ground solid enough to walk on the blessed roads that God had for them.
Because they rejected their destiny helpers.