God has so much for us. I believe that he wants to give us a beautiful life.
But sometimes the spiritual structure is so messed up that we have to go through a process and we have to be led of the spirit all the way through to deliverance.
Not all people make it through to the other side but if we are led by his spirit and not just by what others are telling us, God will make sure that we come out all the way delivered.
Delivered in a way that the things that used to plague you will never come back.
Just this week I had a vision. It was like a snapshot of something that I had dealt with in my life and this thing was trying to choose which open door to go through. It was almost like it was spazing out.
It made me realize that I needed to go to God in a time of repentance and make sure that the doors in my life were closed and I wasnt giving any room for the enemy to come in.
God is the one who protects us. Staying out of sin will make sure that we arent giving the enemy permission to spoil our crops. Satans desire is to kill steal and destroy any part of our lives he can put his hand on.
I dont mean to sound scary lol…but he is just waiting for a loophole. But thank God that we have the ability through God and his grace to live a life that is holy and that Gods spirit will show us if there is anything we need to repent about.
I want to encourage you today to look at your life. Is there any secret sins that you dont think are a big deal? Living unrepentant is a huge thing in the bible- its called iniquity.
Its not only in the bible but it is detrimental to your life and will manifest death overtime.
So take it to God in prayer and allow God to give you the strength to close every window and every door.