I have a lot of stories in my life.
But this most recent one is not one that I hope I ever repeat.
And honestly, I probably shouldn’t even place this on my blog.
I just thought it was a very strange experience and I’m not sure why I went through it.
I am very into deliverance, and I have been delivered of things before and was seeking deliverance in a certain area of my life.
I actually see a deliverance counselor every couple of months that has been a blessing and I believe I can trust. These are people that help you and can spot out spiritual warfare and can often tell you the spiritual root going on.
Before my birthday this year, I wanted to make sure that I was entering into the new year clean. I wanted to give this year the best possible chance, so I signed up for my usual deliverance counselor. But then I also paid a fee to see a new deliverance minister. This guy does a 2-hour session and gets down to the nitty gritty of everything.
So, the first time I tried to schedule this deliverance session, I was praying about it, and I had a thought that led me to believe that I shouldn’t do it and that God wanted me to just trust him. He had my situations handled.
So out of respect for what I felt convicted about, I decided to postpone the appointment and I did not go.
And I started implementing trusting God.
And then I got to a place where I was like, okay Im trusting God now. So I think its okay to schedule now because God I trust you now.
So I rescheduled.
Then I was at church and there was some strong prayer ladies around me praying for me. And a pastor had his hand on my head and I had another thought during all of this–cancel your session. Dont go.
But it was just a thought. It wasnt God speaking to me in a voice that was clear.
So I said, it probably is okay for me to go. What harm could it do?
Im just being prayed for and its by a minister that was recommended by one of my favorite woman in ministry.
So I went.
And before I went I was feeling so great before I went. I had been prayed for by that pastor I mentioned and by the ladies and I was feeling free as if the things I was struggling with were really going to be okay.
But after this session I literally couldnt get up from my bed in the mornings. And I couldnt hardly go to work. I kept using my PTO and all my time off to go in towards the afternoon because I literally woke up in spiritual warfare and something heavy felt like it was sitting on me in the morning. I kept coming home and I would be so tired because my sleep was bad too but I just kept praying Lord please help me through this.
I am a unique person and I dont want people to think they need to be like me because its not all roses.
But I see things in the spirit a lot. I have dreams and visions and I dont really dream what I call “soul” dreams which are regular dreams.
A lot of the time if Im dreaming its God dreams.
Like I said, weird.
But during this time period after a long period of time of not dreaming like a regular person does, I started having regular dreams like dozens of them each and every night constantly.
And I kept seeing snakes.
While I was at service today, I was sitting there praying and I saw snakes swirling around my head and I just knew that in order to clear this up I needed a man of God to lay their hand on my head. It was kinda like “undoing” what was done to me.
I waited until after service and this pastor came and I told him that I believe I am supposed to have a man of God pray for me because of what I did by going to this deliverance session.
He told me not to do that. LOL
And then he prayed for me and now —Im better!
Can you believe that?
Something spiritual was happening that caused me to hardly be able to make it.
I am so glad that I did what I felt to do and I am so glad that God helped me to reverse what happened.
Isn’t it funny how we sometimes get ourselves into things innocently, but God is faithful to help us out of them.