I dont think we realize what we have when we have God in our lives. I am a natural born intercessor. I can probably bet a million dollars I came out of my mothers womb with the ability to pray 10 hours straight without needing a sip of water. Its just me.
But what I missed along the way is how precious Jesus is. NOt for his power but because he is him.
He is someone that you can romance and he is constantly romancing his people although they barely notice.
The things we worry about in this life take so much of our attention.
And its even worse when your natural gift involves going to god to intercede. Intercessors really have to make sure that we are also romancers of God, even before we ask for a thing. Rather he gives what we have prayed for or not, he is amazing.
So during this time I feel like I am doing things backwards.
Instead of praying for 70707070707 hours and experiencing a radical supernatural life I want to know what its like to just sit at his feet and talk about nothing but him. I want to know what its like to get lost in his presence like the old song someone at my dads church used to sing every Sunday.
So I guess Ill start this January off with at least trying to be a little intimate with Jesus.