People can make us take the attention off the real things that need to be focused on. Many things in life don’t even need to be addressed. To be truthful-it doesn’t even matter.
If we stay diligent, keeping our focus on the things that really need our attention we will recognize that the other little things will begin to fall into place ( and they may fall into place over a long period of time of doing the right things). They may fall into place in a way that we did not plan, but they will do so in the right way, how it was supposed to be done.
If we keep our hearts right, focused on the right things, there is no telling how much we can accomplish. Sometimes, peoples issues with us are there to distract. Sometimes, they are there because people haven’t grown to the point where they can handle the growth that you represent. In these cases keeping our minds and heart fixed straight ahead and on the right things, not dealing with them, but just allowing them to rest and be around you can sometimes do way more than if you would have confronted them. Many times people just need time. Time to see a different way. Time to feel like they have reached a place that is secure for them. Time to feel like they are in a place where they are cared enough about to open up to begin the process that they need to be apart of.
Many times the people that are in your path that are so difficult will one day be your biggest blessings whether it is because they taught you a lesson or because they grew because they were around you and now they support your vision.
So give the people dealing to God. Be very careful with what is his and do as little as you need to do while doing everything that you should do.