I am so tired of seeing Christians pray, pray, pray but not do, do, do. It is as if they are stumbling through life not paying attention to the little and big decisions they are making each day. But, they are praying for those far off things in the distance.
They are living the majority of their lives focused on the uncontrollable—trying to control God while trying to force him to make those uncontrollables what they believe it should be. Really they are masking their discontentment with life by hanging onto prayers that should have been surrendered to God.
God can’t get their attention long enough to start leading them into better territory because they are spending their energy stuck on the same few things in their lives. Those few things seem highly significant to them so they figure they have a reason to stay fixated on them.
Distractions usually appear wrapped in things that appear to be important, but it may not be what the focus should be in order to live the most productive life. The things we should be focusing on are the things that God has been nudging our stubborn hearts that we need to place significance on for this season.
When our hearts are really surrendered to God, he has access to direct our paths. This means he has control. This means we may not receive the life we are begging him that we should have. We have placed our happiness on those items that we are seeking for instead of learning to find our value and contentment in him. Even in the hardest circumstances true happiness can only be found in him.